Saturday, April 7, 2012


Paul Moses on Pax Christi's Good Friday Way of the Cross across 42nd Street and through Times Square:

One of this year’s more striking meditations came from students at the Christo Rey High School in East Harlem who spoke at the fifth station – Simon of Cyrene is forced to help carry the cross — about bullying. “Like Simon, we are called to help carry the cross of those who are bullied,” as one student said. But as the students pointed out, bullying is too often condoned by inaction – and then those who condone it are surprised when the victim does not want to become a Facebook “friend.”

In many ways, bullying was the theme of all the meditations on that ultimate act of bullying that is recalled on Good Friday. For many of the issues raised during the morning walk involved misuse of power – racial profiling of law-abiding minority youths stopped by police and frisked; human trafficking; abusive treatment of immigrants. Bullying.