Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Meditate

However unfamiliar this way of meditating may seem, it's deeply rooted (as we'll see) in Christian tradition.

Sit down.  Sit still and upright.  Close your eyes lightly.  Sit relaxed but alert.

Silently, interiorly -- in your mind, not aloud -- begin repeating a single word.  We recommend the ancient prayer "Maranatha" ("Come, Lord").  Recite it as four equally stressed syllables: ma-ra-na-tha.  Listen to it as you repeat it, gently but continuously.

Do not think or imagine anything, spiritual or otherwise.  Do not think of the meaning of your word.  If thoughts and images come, these are distractions at the time of meditation, so return to simply repeating your word.

Meditate each morning and even for 20 to 30 minutes.

The best guide to meditation is the writings of Fr. John Main, OSB, especially Word into Silence.

From the tradition:

"When you are praying,
do not shape within yourself any image of the Deity,
and do not let your intellect be stamped with any impress or form;
but approach the Immaterial in an immaterial manner,
and then you will understand."

Evagrios the Solitary