Saturday, February 25, 2012

High Desert?

"High desert" refers to a desert climate at high altitude (that was easy, wasn't it?), which in Santa Fe is 7,000 feet.  The altitude and the cooler temperatures mean that the flora and fauna are different from what you find closer to sea level -- for example, you'll find none of the noble saguaro cacti here.  (If Google Images is accurate, the cactus at the top of this page does grow here.) 

And we do have a real winter, with daytime temperatures often in the 40s.  Fortunately, the sun usually shines brightly.  At night, the temperature is likely to drop down to the 20s.

Downtown Santa Fe

This blog is likely to focus on matters spiritual rather than political, but I can't swear I'll always resist the temptation to share some "far left propaganda," as my conservative friends call it.  ("Far left" is better applied to my roommate, who's convinced the government is out to get us.  I just listen and smile; disagreement would be pointless.)