Friday, February 8, 2013

The Casa Real Library

One of the first things I looked for when I got here was the library.  I found two tall bookshelves and a couple of shopping bags on the floor.  Most of the books (you'll think I'm exaggerating) were what people in the publishing trade refer to as "bodice-rippers."  On the front cover is Mr. Totally Handsome Hunk, barechested; swooning in his arms is a Scarlett O'Hara wannabe.  The word "passion" is generously sprinkled over the front and back covers.
These books were in mint condition, which meant nobody was reading them.  Clearly, someone well-meaning but misguided had donated a few boxes of them.
There were other books worth reading, by popular authors, but a lot of stuff would interest no one.  And NONE of the books were in LARGE PRINT.  As for a copy of the Bible, not a one.
So I've created a library wish list for anyone who'd like to contribute.  And you're welcome to send along suitable books lying about your home, since not everyone here needs large print.